Defining Digital Strategy
Digital Strategy is a relatively new concept. There is no commonly understood definition of digital strategy. Many would say that digital strategy has to do with incorporating email, websites and social networks into marketing and communications efforts. Some might say it has to do with accepting electronic payment, registrations or donations. Others would say that it relates to ‘going mobile’.
Depending on your sector and industry, the perception and role of digital changes radically. To some, it’s disruptive in the worst possible way. To digital–first companies, it is their native habitat. To many, it hints at new opportunities – and to far too many, it is threatening, impacting roles and job expectations.
To muddy the waters further, the rationale for digital is ever evolving. Initial efforts focused on substitution – uncovering cost savings and improved efficiency. Then, focus shifted to identifying what we could sell online. And today, focus has shifted again, as we find ourselves asking how to use digital to improve the overall business.
At Byte we believe that having a comprehensive Digital Strategy leads to Competitive Advantage. Digital strategy is the process of identifying, articulating and executing on digital opportunities that will increase your organisation’s online position. A competitive advantage is found when you “acquires or develops abilities” – such as technology or people – that allows you to create value, which no other company is capable of. Those in the public or not for profit sectors might bristle at the term competitive, but we believe it still applies when seen through the lens of a competitive–comparative set.
If a digital strategy is a process, remember that a process presumes a progression – from an initial starting point, to the approach of and overtaking of milestones to destinations both identified and unknown. A practical and efficient way to do this is to take advantage of established planning tools such as maturity models.
We would relish the opportunity to discuss this with you and how we can help you and your company’s Digital Strategy